Comments on: SEPT 21st Met Duo – LEAKY GUT – Myth and Reality Hard Science - Simple Solutions Mon, 20 Nov 2023 19:33:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gabor Mon, 20 Nov 2023 19:33:23 +0000 In reply to Jonathan Brocklebank.

Hello Jonathan,
Sorry for the delayed reply, I stopped getting notifications on comments here.
I take 100-200 mg magnesium with every meal (usually 2-3). More when I eat dairy, less when I don’t. I’m not familiar with the supplement you shared and found insufficient information on the website to be able to form an opinion.

I’m glad that you found the exclusion of cream useful. I was not aware that it could have such a profound effect.

By: Jonathan Brocklebank Thu, 05 Oct 2023 08:43:47 +0000 I’ve also noticed that heavy beef, pork, chicken evening meals give me a higher fasting BG whereas fish, eggs, duck or generally lower protein evening meals fasting BG much lower. After reading Eat Rich Live Long I keep coming back to APOE4 🤷🏼‍♂️?? Should I get tested? Or is it that I don’t tolerate protein in the vague recommended 1g per pound of body weight ? Could it be the fats? (Energy toxicity- P:E diet) I experiment with my meals as I’ve had a cgm for the last 2 years but I feel there could be other tests that might shine some light. Your thoughts please Thank you Jon]]> Hello Ivor and Gabor- I won’t be able to make the zoom today but I have some questions.
I’ll keep them as succinct as possible.

Firstly magnesium supplements (diet keto/carnivore).
You’ve mentioned previously approx 300 mg mag.citrate per day, is this still your recommendation or do you think products like this are superior ?
I just want to make sure I’m not lacking.

I’m currently 45 years old, 180cm, 70kg
After begging nhs for a c-peptide I was Diagnosed LADA August last year- had dropped to a scrawny 64kg they’d told me I was type 2 in October 2019 but I didn’t fit the criteria in my view- I was losing weight and wanted to gain. (I’m outdoors every day in the sun and fresh air- professional gardener for 28years).
I’d gone low carb keto after initial diagnosis thinking it would help control BG. I was eating 2 meals a day sometimes 3 but plenty of meat, sardines, eggs, butter, double cream, cheese, full fat Greek yoghurt and low carb veg, sometimes just carnivore. I’ll confess I’ll endulge in a few large glasses of dry red wine or a couple of gins- (with fizzy water) maybe 3 evenings a week, lowers BG.
Currently taking basal insulin and minimal bolus- I stopped the double cream in my coffees about 3 weeks ago after hearing and reading that A1 dairy had been linked to the rise in type 1/LADA worldwide??
Beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7)
A1 beta-casein milk protein and other environmental pre-disposing factors for type 1 diabetes – PMC
Since stopping the cream my numbers have improved dramatically- no longer BG 8,9,10mmol when I wake up, usually between 4.5- 6.0 mmol, I’ve had to drop my basal from 16 units to 11 (in 3 weeks). Coincidence or is it to with the fats 🤷🏼‍♂️
I’ve also noticed that heavy beef, pork, chicken evening meals give me a higher fasting BG whereas fish, eggs, duck or generally lower protein evening meals fasting BG much lower.
After reading Eat Rich Live Long I keep coming back to APOE4 🤷🏼‍♂️?? Should I get tested? Or is it that I don’t tolerate protein in the vague recommended 1g per pound of body weight ? Could it be the fats? (Energy toxicity- P:E diet)
I experiment with my meals as I’ve had a cgm for the last 2 years but I feel there could be other tests that might shine some light.
Your thoughts please
Thank you
