Comments on: Met Duo REPLAY 21st Mar – Endothelium, new Gut Hormone discovered, IF and Sun kill you Hard Science - Simple Solutions Fri, 22 Mar 2024 12:03:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Limb Fri, 22 Mar 2024 12:03:54 +0000 Can you add contact details to the website please, I don’t seem to be able to contact you and I’m not receiving any of your comms

By: Christine Horgan Fri, 22 Mar 2024 11:33:41 +0000 Hi. Just caught the replay there. Could Gabor elaborate on two points please. He said something about Olive oil being said to be the best dietary oil but that the story is a little different when it reaches the cells. What is that about? Also could he elaborate a little about the evidence for who really benefit from statins? Which men aged 55 to 65? What risk profile? My husband is aged 66, total chol 6.6, LDL around 4. Good TG/HDL ratio, normal weight, normal BP, moderately low carb diet, no junk, non smoker. Had a CT angiogram at his own request to stop the endless hassle from the GP to go on statins, calcium score on CT angiogram was 19. (He had two CAC scores of 0 in the past 4 years.). The cardiologist, who was obnoxious, noted a couple of minor narrowings not impacting on luminal flow, no intervention needed but of course also recommends statins immediately. Would appreciate your thoughts on this scenario. My husband doesn’t want to take statins. Would he benefit? Thanks.
