Comments on: MD REPLAY March 7th – Vitamin D and the Cancer Debacle, Plus Gabor Latest Papers! Hard Science - Simple Solutions Tue, 30 Apr 2024 09:09:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ivor Tue, 30 Apr 2024 09:09:54 +0000 In reply to Trond Osuld Hagen.

Wow sorry to hear that Trond! 5 minutes or even less is plenty until you fully assess the effect of any lamp or lamps(!) The ones I bought are ‘diffuse’ i.e. no bright or focused spot is generated. I have heard though of some people getting lamps with a focused spot design i.e. at say 18″ distance there is a bright white centre spot visible on the skin – this is NOT ideal and IF used one should keep moving around, so that it never dwells on one spot!!! But the key thing is of course to meter any system so that no element of skin ever goes beyond mild erythema (VERY slight pinking in the following 24 hours). A once off in my opinion is not an issue, but this message is important for all to understand. ALWAYS with any light system start very low minutes, gauge and increase only with a guarantee established that max light pinking will be the outcome. Falling asleep is a danger I never thought of – but as it happens I ALWAYS tan standing up, and moving regularly to broadly distribute any focused energy….!

By: Trond Osuld Hagen Fri, 26 Apr 2024 09:31:54 +0000 Hi Ivor, I bought A REPTILE LAMP in order to get my vitamin D during wintertime. I got a SECOND DEGREE BURN and skin changes all over my back, saying good bye to my previously smooth skin. The Sperti Vitamin D Sunlamp recommended by dr Michael Holick has 150 W and is supposed to be used for 5 minutes every other day. My reptile lamp has 160 WATT. I know you have been using similar lamps for vitamin D. Do you have an advice as to how many lamps at what distance and time would be suitable? I know there are different skin types that requires different dosage of course, but may be some general comment? I should mention that when I got the burn, I had the reptile lamp so close I could feel the heat of the lamp, similar to feeling the sun while sunbathed … and additionally fell asleep … Thanks 🙂

By: Joe Flynn Mon, 11 Mar 2024 18:03:46 +0000 Hi Ivor, unfortunately I missed the zoom call last time but have a quick question. How much vitamin D from the Sun is realistically absorbed into he blood? Like, could carnivore diet be enough to get blood levels up to ancestral levels? (I started supplements anyway)
